1. 제 79회 대학화학회 연회, 눈에 띄는 논문 (화학세계 37권 5호, 1997).
2. 서울대학교 화학과 "우수 박사학위 논문상" 수상 (1998. 8).
3. 한국과학재단 '99 전반기 해외 Post-Doc 선발 장학생 (화학분야).
4. ASIANALYSIS V. The Fifth Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation) Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, May 4-7, (1999).
5. "Nomarski-DIC for Single-cell Detection and Manipulation at Microfluidics" Seungah Lee; Seong Ho Kang, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 92nd National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Busan, October 16-17, (2003).
6. "One-step Concentration of DNA Fragments Based on Changing of Ionic Conductivity with Microchip Gel Electrophoresis" Daekwang Kim; Seong Ho Kang, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation). The 6th Annual Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Gwangju.Chonnam.Chonbuk, Chonbuk University, June 4, (2004).
7. "On-line High Concentration of DNA Fragments by Base Stacking in Microchip" Daekwang Kim; Sang-Kyu Park; Seong Ho Kang (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation) Symposium of the Korean Chemical Society of Ilsung Solak Condo, Gangwon, June 24-25, (2005).
8. "Internalization of Nanoparticle-DNA Complexes in Living Cell Human Embryonic Kidney 293 Cell Using a Combinational System of DIC and TIRF Microscope" Seungah Lee; Seong Ho Kang, The Best Poster Presentation of Asianalysis Ⅷ, Taipei, Taiwan, October 16-20, (2005).
9. "바이오칩을 이용한 유전자조작 콩의 분석방법 개발" 김윤정; 전선숙; 박영주; 이민경; 구무늬; 안지영; 이예지; 윤영순; 강성호, (재)산자부주최, WATCH21 주관 전국교육/연구프로그램 우수상, 경시한국산업기술재단사무총장, December 2, (2005).
10. "Real-time Visualizing of Mg2+ Spark in Living Cells Using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope". Seungah Lee, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), The 9th Annual Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Gwangju.Chonnam.Chonbuk, Chosun University, June 1, (2007).
11. "다양한 유전자의 동시 분석을 위한 다중채널 마이크로칩 전기영동장치" Doori Oh and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 101st National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Ilsan KINTEX, April 17-18, (2008).
12. "Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha on Gold Nano-patterned Protein Chip by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy" Kyuseo Lee, Seungah Lee and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 15th Anniversary Meeting for Korean Society of Photoscience, Jeju, Korea, September 25-28, (2008).
13. "한우 판별용 휴대용 분석장치 및 방법" Miji Lee, Doori Oh, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2009년 농업생명공학 우수성과 발표회, 서울코엑스, April 10, (2009).
14. "Combination of Palm PCR and Portable Capillary Electrophoresis for Fast On-site Analysis of Influenza A Virus" Seoyeon Lim and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 110th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Busan BEXCO, Korea, October 17-19, (2012).
15. "GT-3 Feline Panleukopenia의 빠르고 정확한 진단을 위한 검출감도가 증대된 온라인모세관 전기영동법" Ahram Shin, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), 2012년 제49회 한국분석과학회 추계학술대회 및 총회, 부산롯데호텔, November 15-16, (2012).
16. "Super-localization of Intercalating Dye in Single-DNA Molecule by Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy" Suresh Kumar Chakkarapani, Guenyoung Park and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The Communal Summer Symposium General Meeting conducted by Department of Analytical/Electrochemistry belongs to the Korean Chemical Society of Gyeongju, Korea, June 26-27, (2014).
17. "Fluorescent-free Immunoassay based on Plasmonic Nanometal Scattering by Total Internal Reflection Microscopy" Seungah Lee; Guenyoung Park; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2014 China‐Japan‐Korea Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Northeastern University, Sheunyang, China, August 22-25, (2014).
18. "Total internal reflection spectroscopy coupled plasmon sandwich nano-immunosensor for the infinitesimal detection of cancer biomarker CA125" Suresh Kumar Chakkarapani; Peng Zhang; Sujin Ahn; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2016 The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences, Pyeongchang, Korea, May 19-20, (2016).
19. "Fast detection of angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism by voltage programming-based capillary electrophoresis" Nain Woo; Su-Kang Kim; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), 2016 The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences, Pyeongchang, Korea, May 19-20, (2016).
20. "Implementation of Gradient Fitting Algorithm and 3D Super-localization Light Sheet Microscopy for Fluorescence-free Detection of Nonovirus" Y. Sun, S.H. Kang ( Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 16th Asia CJK Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Korea, October 11-14 (2019).
2. 서울대학교 화학과 "우수 박사학위 논문상" 수상 (1998. 8).
3. 한국과학재단 '99 전반기 해외 Post-Doc 선발 장학생 (화학분야).
4. ASIANALYSIS V. The Fifth Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation) Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, May 4-7, (1999).
5. "Nomarski-DIC for Single-cell Detection and Manipulation at Microfluidics" Seungah Lee; Seong Ho Kang, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 92nd National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Busan, October 16-17, (2003).
6. "One-step Concentration of DNA Fragments Based on Changing of Ionic Conductivity with Microchip Gel Electrophoresis" Daekwang Kim; Seong Ho Kang, (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation). The 6th Annual Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Gwangju.Chonnam.Chonbuk, Chonbuk University, June 4, (2004).
7. "On-line High Concentration of DNA Fragments by Base Stacking in Microchip" Daekwang Kim; Sang-Kyu Park; Seong Ho Kang (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation) Symposium of the Korean Chemical Society of Ilsung Solak Condo, Gangwon, June 24-25, (2005).
8. "Internalization of Nanoparticle-DNA Complexes in Living Cell Human Embryonic Kidney 293 Cell Using a Combinational System of DIC and TIRF Microscope" Seungah Lee; Seong Ho Kang, The Best Poster Presentation of Asianalysis Ⅷ, Taipei, Taiwan, October 16-20, (2005).
9. "바이오칩을 이용한 유전자조작 콩의 분석방법 개발" 김윤정; 전선숙; 박영주; 이민경; 구무늬; 안지영; 이예지; 윤영순; 강성호, (재)산자부주최, WATCH21 주관 전국교육/연구프로그램 우수상, 경시한국산업기술재단사무총장, December 2, (2005).
10. "Real-time Visualizing of Mg2+ Spark in Living Cells Using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope". Seungah Lee, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), The 9th Annual Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Gwangju.Chonnam.Chonbuk, Chosun University, June 1, (2007).
11. "다양한 유전자의 동시 분석을 위한 다중채널 마이크로칩 전기영동장치" Doori Oh and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 101st National Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Ilsan KINTEX, April 17-18, (2008).
12. "Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha on Gold Nano-patterned Protein Chip by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy" Kyuseo Lee, Seungah Lee and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 15th Anniversary Meeting for Korean Society of Photoscience, Jeju, Korea, September 25-28, (2008).
13. "한우 판별용 휴대용 분석장치 및 방법" Miji Lee, Doori Oh, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2009년 농업생명공학 우수성과 발표회, 서울코엑스, April 10, (2009).
14. "Combination of Palm PCR and Portable Capillary Electrophoresis for Fast On-site Analysis of Influenza A Virus" Seoyeon Lim and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 110th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society of Busan BEXCO, Korea, October 17-19, (2012).
15. "GT-3 Feline Panleukopenia의 빠르고 정확한 진단을 위한 검출감도가 증대된 온라인모세관 전기영동법" Ahram Shin, Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), 2012년 제49회 한국분석과학회 추계학술대회 및 총회, 부산롯데호텔, November 15-16, (2012).
16. "Super-localization of Intercalating Dye in Single-DNA Molecule by Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy" Suresh Kumar Chakkarapani, Guenyoung Park and Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The Communal Summer Symposium General Meeting conducted by Department of Analytical/Electrochemistry belongs to the Korean Chemical Society of Gyeongju, Korea, June 26-27, (2014).
17. "Fluorescent-free Immunoassay based on Plasmonic Nanometal Scattering by Total Internal Reflection Microscopy" Seungah Lee; Guenyoung Park; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2014 China‐Japan‐Korea Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Northeastern University, Sheunyang, China, August 22-25, (2014).
18. "Total internal reflection spectroscopy coupled plasmon sandwich nano-immunosensor for the infinitesimal detection of cancer biomarker CA125" Suresh Kumar Chakkarapani; Peng Zhang; Sujin Ahn; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), 2016 The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences, Pyeongchang, Korea, May 19-20, (2016).
19. "Fast detection of angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism by voltage programming-based capillary electrophoresis" Nain Woo; Su-Kang Kim; Seong Ho Kang. (Excellence Award for Oral presentation), 2016 The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences, Pyeongchang, Korea, May 19-20, (2016).
20. "Implementation of Gradient Fitting Algorithm and 3D Super-localization Light Sheet Microscopy for Fluorescence-free Detection of Nonovirus" Y. Sun, S.H. Kang ( Excellence Award for Poster Presentation), The 16th Asia CJK Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Korea, October 11-14 (2019).